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JDm-Aurelian ( Gast )

18.07.2002 17:01
Motivation Antworten
mir fiel kein besserer titel ein...ich finde das gedicht recht schön, es hat etwas martialisches an sich, vielleicht steigert es die moral unserer glorreichen ist leider in englisch...

William Ernest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

uns sollt ich gehn
solange du noch hier...
so wisse, das ich weiterlebe,
nur tanz´ich dann zu einer anderen weise
- und hinter einem schleier, der mich dir verbirgt.
sehen wirst du mich nicht
jedoch, hab´nur vertrauen
ich warte auf die zeit, da wir gemeinsam
neue höhn erklimmen.
- einer des anderen wahrhaftig
bis dorthin leere du den becher des lebens
bis zur neige
und wenn du mich einst brauchst
laß´nur dein herz mich leise rufen
... ich werde dasein....

the charge of the light brigade

(alfred, lord tennyson)

half a league, half a league
half a league onward,
all in the valley of death
rode the sixhundred
"forward, the light brigade!
charge for the guns!" he said
into the valley of death
rode the sixhundred

"forward, the light brigade!"
was there a man dismay´d?
not tho´the soldier knew
some one had blunder´d
their´s not to make reply
their´s not to reason why
their´s but to do and die
into the valley of death
rode the six hundred

cannon to right of them
cannon to left of them
cannon in front of them
volley´d and thunder´d
storm´d at with shot and shell
boldly the rode and well
into the jaws of death
into the mouth of hell
rode the sixhundred

flash´d all their sabres bare
flash´d as they turn´d in air
sabring the gunners there
charging an army, while,
all the world wonder´d
right thro´the line they broke;
cossack and russian
reel´d from the sabre-stroke
shatter´d and sunder´d
then they rode back, but not
not the sixhundred

cannon to right of them
cannon to left of them
cannon behind of them
volley´d and thunder´d
storm´d at while shot and shell,
while horse and hero fell
they that had fought so well
came thro´the jaws of death
back from the mouth of hell
all that was left of them,
left of the six hundred

when can their glory fade?
o´the wild charge they made!
all the world wonder´d
honor the charge they made!
honor the light brigade!
noble sixhundred

when you go home
tell them of us and say:
for your tomorrow
we gave our today!

inschrift auf einem stein, geschrieben von britischen kriegsgefangenen bei der kapitualtion von singapur

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